I’m Erin Galloway, and since 2005, I have been fortunate enough to do what I love while helping others love where they live! Based in Camden, SC I’ve traveled from the South Carolina coast to the mountains, transforming interiors along the way. From the simple, elegant interior of a church to the fashionable interior of a retail store, to the functional and efficient interiors of several doctors’ offices to the numerous private homes. I enjoy the challenge of making every interior project something special. I am constantly thinking about homes, art, and how I can refresh the space around me. Often my creative juices keep me awake at night (Maybe this explains why I think about working out far more than I actually do, and why I love to travel far more than I actually do)! I owe my business success to my tremendous support team at home. I am an interior designer, yes, but I am also a wife, mom, friend, weekend farmer, football fanatic, and nature lover! I love my dogs! I even love my less-than-friendly cat. I find inspiration all around me, and I love bringing fresh ideas to life in my clients’ home.~Erin